
The run command executes a request, routine or script at the path provided.

Help Output

Run nap run --help to see information about the run command:

The run command executes a request, routine or script at the path provided.

  nap run <target> [flags]

  -e, --env path               add environment variables from a file path
  -h, --help                   help for run
  -p, --param <name>=<value>   add a single variable to the run as a <name>=<value> pair
  -q, --quiet                  suppress output until the end

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output


--env - Environment

Alias: -e. string. Optional.

Usage: -e ./path/to/env.yml [-e ./path/to/another/env.yml] ...

Add environment variables from a file path. To include multiple sets of variables, use the flag multiple times. Values found in files from later instances of the flag will overwrite those from earlier files.

Environments can be referenced by path or by just the file name. If a full path isn’t provided, Nap will attempt to find the environment either in the directory of the target or near it. For example, given the above example, Nap will attempt to find my-env in the following locations:

  • ./my-env.yml - relative to the current working directory
  • ./env/my-env.yml - in an env folder, relative to the current working directory
  • ./routines/my-env.yml - in the target’s directory
  • ./routines/env/my-env.yml - in an env folder within the target’s directory

--param - Parameter

Alias: -p. <name>=<value>. Optional

Usage: -p var1=val1 [-p var2=val2] ...

Initialize a variable. To include multiple parameters, use the flag multiple times. If the same variable name is supplied multiple times, only the last value will be used. The --param flag will also overwrite values loaded via the --env flag.

--quiet - Quiet Mode

Alias: -q. bool. Optional

Usage: nap run <path> -q

Sets nap to run in quiet mode. This prevents progress bars and other output from showing during the run. A summary is still displayed after the run finishes.